Tonight, I put the final finish on six more spoon ornaments, I can add the wire onto the handle tomorrow. I think these spoons came out very good now have to see how they look with the wire. I'm going to try and match the wire color with the base color from the painting. When they are completed I will add the pictures, also will be added to my web-site.
The block picture holders I just started making they are very easy. I'm making some special ones for some people that work with out son, some have their childs name and some are positive happy words. Not the ones pictured here, these are some of the ones I put up at the market.
This morning, I got some of my things that I have made together so I could set them up at a flea market. We now have a space (shelf) to set up some of my things and my husbands. This location is open 7 days a week the good part is we don't have to be there, hoping that they will sell it's better than having them sit in a box. Here are a few of the items the Snowman ornaments and Make a Wish boxes that I'm putting out, made them a few years ago. I also have quite a few more of these I have made.
**Have a Happy Day**